What should we understand about cockroaches and where they are found?
Cockroaches come in more than 4,000 different species around the world. They favour cosy, damp, and dark environments. They can survive extremely low temperatures and protracted hunger, and they are most frequently seen at night. They spread several bacteria that are harmful to people (such as staphylococci and salmonella), cause digestive diseases (such as typhoid and dysentery), and their shells trigger allergies and asthma. The brown and black cockroaches are the most prevalent cockroach species in Bulgaria, whereas the American and long-antenna cockroaches are less prevalent.
Small brown insects that dwell and reproduce in people’s homes are the brown cockroach, also referred to as the German cockroach. Their primary habitat is the kitchen, where they can be found hiding in cabinets, under plumbing risers, beneath sinks, in syphons, in electrical equipment, and in bathrooms. To stop them, paste-based hazardous food baits are put in cupboards and electrical equipment.
Black cockroaches, commonly referred to as oriental cockroaches, are somewhat larger than brown cockroaches and typically reside in basements, attics, and drains before moving into the nearest habitation. They frequently travel along the plumbing installation’s vertical risers, exterior walls, and staircases. They can withstand low temperatures well. Spray the house and any approaches to it to destroy them.
Cockroach from America It can be found outside in the open air and in the city sewers, from whence they penetrate the premises, in addition to the premises. They eat leftovers and any meal, although they stay away from fermented items. Food baits are used in conjunction with preparatory spraying to kill them.
Avoid using pest control пръскане против хлебарки on weekdays and weekends, as well as during business hours.
Duration of the service:
Prevent Pest Control uses the most up-to-date, 100% safe anti-cockroach treatments from the manufacturers BAYER, and SYNGENTA. The type of cockroach, cockroach population number, location, size, and type of object all affect how they are used. Because of this, it will only be necessary to leave the room for an hour or less; nevertheless, it is preferable for pregnant women and children under the age of two to leave the room for at least three hours. The effect of the preparation will only be delayed for a few days if the windows are left open for those with limited mobility during the treatment of the regions against cockroaches.